Model: Two Step Table

12562 - table coffee to step

12562 - table coffee to step em agrn 210322 specials 1 12562 - table coffee to step em abrn 210322 specials 7 12562 - table coffee to step em abrn 210322 specials 6 12562 - table coffee to step em abrn 210322 specials 4 12562 - table coffee to step em abrn 210322 specials 5 12562 - table coffee to step em abrn 210322 specials 3

Prijs: € 895,00

Model: Coffee Two Step Table 12562 - EM - ABRN
Afm: L.68 x D.541 x H.70/44 cm (open/dicht)
Mahonie + lederen bovenblad in 3-kleuren.
High-end Luxury Furniture


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High-end Luxury Furniture

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